How Do You Type Ñ On A Laptop?

According to Wikipedia, enye (ñ) is a modern Latin alphabet formed by placing a tilde on the letter N. The Enye letter became part of the Spanish alphabet in the 18th century. As a former Spanish colony, the Filipinos acquired enye and added it to the Philippine alphabet as a separate letter. Although the enye is commonly used in Philippine publications and correspondence, it does not include computer keyboards and other letter marks. To type or type using your computer or laptop, you require to use a unique combination on your keyboard.

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It is essential to type the correct code for ani because it promotes correct pronunciation. For example, the Nano will sound like “nano,” which is proper pronunciation. Important documents corresponding to start certificates and passports also require the enumerator’s fair use. There have been many cases where the lack of ani in legal documents has caused difficulty and disruption.

This article will help you type correctly to encounter a word that needs an inlayer.

What Is Letter Ñ (Enye)

The letter enye (ñ) is a letter of the Latin alphabet with a tailed (~) at the top of n. In the 18th century, the word enye was added to the Spanish alphabet. The Philippines then adopted the letter, and they used it as a separate letter in the Philippine alphabet. The word is now prevalent and widely used in the Philippines because it has been in the Philippine alphabet for a long time, so it has many names and places.

There are many famous places like Nano and places like Las Pines that are in it. Many people use n instead of because there is no dedicated key for typing enye. But the pronunciation of n and of is not the same. The name Nano is specified by the term ‘Ninyo,’ but if we write n in the word, the pronunciation will be changed.

Therefore, it is essential to write the world precisely because it is for proper pronunciation. Proper use of a passport or birth certificate is required for some important documents. If this word is not used correctly, it can lead to problems and other problems.

How Do You Type Ñ On A Laptop? Using NUMERIC KEYPAD

If your laptop keyboard has a numeric key, you can type the symbol by following these steps:

Step 1: Activate the numeric keypad by turning on the num lock key.

Step 2: For the uppercase Ñ, hold the Alt key on your laptop keyboard, and then type 165.

Step 3: Press & Hold the Alt key on your laptop keyboard, then type 164 on the numeric pad to create a lowercase ñ symbol.

Note that this method only works if the numeric keypad on your computer/laptop is located to the keyboard’s right.

For easy remembering, the keyboard shortcuts are:

ñ: Alt + 164

Ñ: Alt + 165

Type ñ Without Numpad

If your laptop keyboard is not numbed, you need other ways to type ñ. here it is-

Step 1: Click the Start menu, scroll down and find Windows Accessories.

Step 2: Expand Windows Accessories, and then click Character Map.

Step 3: You will see ñ in the lower-left corner.

Step 4: If you need a capital ñ, it isn’t easy to find Ñ. Type the mark, the Advanced view option, and Ñ on the search bar. You will find it at the top right of the character map.

Step 5: Double-click Ñ and then click Copy.

Step 6: Press Ctrl + V wherever you want.

How Do You Type Ñ On A Laptop? Microsoft Word

It is easy to put an ani symbol in Microsoft Word. Select the Insert tab, select the character (under Symbols), and click More Symbols.

Choose the symbol ñ. This Latin-1 appendix is under the subset. Click Insert, and the enye ñ symbol will be inserted into your Word document.

After the first use, the icon will appear after clicking on it to make it easier to enter around next time.

How Do You Type Ñ On A Laptop? International Keyboard

Step 1: Click “Search” on the lower bar of your laptop, click “Settings,” then type “Language” in the search field, select “Change input methods” from the results that are showing as a result of your search.

Step 2: Click “Options” next to select the language “English (United States), and click on “Add Input Method.”

Step 3: Select the “United States – International Touch board Layout” listing and click the “Add” button. Close the Language Options window.

Step 4: Click the letters “ENG” that appear close to the clock on your desktop taskbar, and then select “ENG INTL” keyboard layout.

Step 5: Go back to your document where you wish to enter “ñ” or “Ñ.”

Step 6: Press & release the “~” key, and type “n” or “N.”

Step 7: Click “ENG” on the taskbar shown on the right corner of your laptop screen & select “ENG US” to restore to your keyboard’s original language.

Mac (MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, iMac)

Typing Ñ/ñ is easy on Mac. Here are two choices to How Do You Type Ñ on a Laptop?

Option A: “N” Press & hold this button, and it will appear in the list of options. Just click & you’re done with everything.

Option B: Hold the button “option,” then press the button “N.” When you do this, tailed (~) will appear. Release the key “Option” & press n again to create the symbol ñ. It would be best to create a capital Ñ (hold the shift button while pressing N).

To summarize, the keyboard shortcuts are Option N + N or long-press N.

How Do You Type Ñ On A Laptop? MS Word on Mac

If you are using MS Word on Mac, the Mac process applies.

Step 1: Hold down the option key, then press N. Child (~) appears when you do this.

Step 2: To create ñ, release the option key and press n or Shift + N again to create upper case Ñ.

Mac keyboard shortcut: Option N + N.

How to Type Enye on Your Smartphone

You can also rapidly type in your smartphone. Just long-press N and it will show you the sign ñ into Facebook Messenger, SMS, & other applications on your android phone.

If everything explained is too tricky for you, you can also copy the symbol Ñ/ñ by pressing (Ctrl + C) from this page & then paste it into your document or application (Ctrl + V).

On iPhone (iOS)

It’s easy to type Ñ/ñ on an iPhone.

Step 1: Hold down the Ñ/ñ key, and the letter n will pop up with different accent marks.

Step 2: Slide to select Ñ/ñ.

What Is the Simplest Way to Make an Eye Ñ/ñ?

“The simple & easiest way to create Ñ/ñ is to copy the capital letter below (Ctrl + C) and paste it (Ctrl + V into the document).”


We’ve discussed How Do You Type Ñ on a Laptop in this article. All the steps and methods are given in detail. You can quickly type Ñ on a laptop by reading our article. Please read our article carefully. Follow these steps if you want to type Ñ on a laptop using a numeric keypad without Numpad, Mac, or iPhone. 

If you have any queries or questions, feel free to contact us. We’ll try our best to cover your queries. I hope, you enjoyed our article. 

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