How Often Should You Buy a New Laptop? 6 Signs to Look

Let’s start with a question – is it time for you to update your laptop? When does it no longer become worth repairing, and is it more cost-effective to buy a new computer instead? Your choices can be many: it may be time for an upgrade. When wondering if you should get a new laptop, the most pressing concern people tend to have is whether or not they need to keep on using their current device or if they should bite the bullet and go ahead with purchasing the latest version of their preferred brand.

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In this day and age, there are varying grades of Laptops catering to different categories of buyers, e.g., students, professionals, gamers, etc. So before you decide on what brand and model of laptop you want to invest in, take into account how long you’re planning on keeping it, whether this will essentially serve your portable computing needs as per your budget, or whether you might be facing some other issues that switching up computers will help solve. Here we will discuss how often should you buy a new laptop.

How Often Should You Buy a New Laptop?

Compared to budget laptops, higher-end models should last for up to an incredible five years. This can depend on your needs but is a decent rule to keep in mind. On average, more affordable laptops run for about three years before needing repair or replacement. But without fail, the pace of technological advancement will always catch up and make sure you’re not running the latest software on these machines once you hit that full five-year mark.

How Long Do Laptops Last? 

Laptops are expected to hold up for three to five years before they begin to wear down. The time it takes depends on several factors: the model, the materials used, and the type of software being run will dictate how long a computer lasts. In most cases, this is a pretty hard cap. However, we do see some models go far beyond what’s considered “normal.” When it comes to laptops, replacing them every five years can be inconvenient. Still, depending on your computer’s use (i.e., you’re using your laptop as your primary desktop), at the five-year mark, you may have to purchase a new one because running outdated software with heavy demand (a video game, for example) may begin to slow down your system and even cause damage in the future.

How to know when it’s time to upgrade:

How to know when it’s time to upgrade

Sometimes you don’t know when it might be best for you to buy a new laptop (though there are several signs as to when that time may have come, as you’ll see in the following advice). It never hurts to get a second opinion, though, even about your laptop. which is why we’re here. How well your system operates will be essential. If things seem clunky or if the computer doesn’t run near as fast as it used to, then perhaps now would be the perfect time for you to purchase a new computer. In this case, it is also wise to decide on purchasing a newer operating system than changing over some programs that are outdated and not compatible with the one thing that would keep everything neat and efficient (in other words, don’t change over all of your programs at once). Some ways when we need to know how often should you buy a new laptop.

Way 1: When Your System Is Running Slow:

A slow-running computer can signify that the system is aging and needs to be replaced. There is a laundry list of reasons for it; sometimes the laptop may have malware or large files stored on it that are taking up space, or its cache may need a clear out as it can get clogged up with unnecessary data resulting in your brand new computer feeling sluggish. Whatever the case, as time goes by and you start to realize this fact, it becomes easier to replace your old computer than spend hours trying to troubleshoot things on an older laptop!

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Way 2: You Are Experiencing Unexpected Shutdowns:

As your computer ages, you may experience unexpected crashes and a loss in performance. Most of the time, this is because the unit has overheated so much that it had to shut down instead of running, resulting in a sudden deterioration of its components. If your laptop displays the Blue Screen of Death, this may be more serious as it’s known as a stop error. The BSOD also indicates something going wrong with an operating system and can tell us that there is more at stake than just the hardware itself, even though you’ll need to seek expert advice when things get technical!

Way 3: New Software Won’t Load

As computers age, they stop being compatible with some software. If you have purchased a new computer and find out that your favorite software isn’t available for the new operating system anymore, you could get very frustrated. Try upgrading or downgrading to or from a new version of the operating system if it’s within your budget.

Way 4: Your Laptop Security Is Outdated

Cybercrimes are on the rise, and people in various sectors are adopting computers and software. You should invest in a system that protects your data and keeps it secure.

Do we need a laptop?

Of course, it’s not always easy to decide whether you need to buy a whole new laptop or upgrade the one that you have. Although there aren’t any hard and fast rules, most laptops can last for around 3-5 years without any problems. So, if you’re starting to notice that your laptop is feeling a little slower, you could do one thing is look into swapping out the existing RAM: Sometimes, this ends up giving another boost of performance, and we find it’s a great idea to consider. Another option would be to purchase an external hard drive: If you have lots of photos and videos to store, there can be some issues, but many people opt for this solution because they don’t need to take up so much space on their device.

Why do Macs last longer?

As a general rule of thumb, Apple products tend to have a longer lifespan than those produced by Microsoft or other tech companies such as Samsung. This is due to their superior quality – built from the ground up, and most Apple devices are non-toxic because Apple doesn’t use plastics or other toxic chemicals in their components. Not only this, but Mac operating systems tend to hold up better over time, too, thanks to its standards of quality control and the fact that many Windows laptops contain cheaper parts that admittedly aren’t very stable and can even break down quickly.

A five-year lifespan is a rough guideline for when it’s time to throw in the towel on your latest laptops. Again, you don’t necessarily have to part ways with your laptop just because it’s reaching the end of its line. Some premium Windows laptops may be able to hold up for significantly longer than a budget model, and sometimes it pays off spending an extra $30 or so as there may be more you can get out of a laptop that costs slightly more than one which couldn’t necessarily survive any more than other models.

Should you leave your PC on or off?

Many people ask themselves if they can leave their PC on all day long. Batteries have only so many recharge cycles. 

Leaving a computer continuously running on for long durations of time can come at the expense of your battery’s lifespan, a number of workable hours, and system slow-down over time. Also, it depends on how you use the machine. Suppose you use your computer regularly throughout the day and tend not to take it down even when away from your desk. In that case, this article may not apply to your scenario because leaving it on all the time would most likely be fine and non-taxing on your system as opposed to if you have a computer that gets turned off when you are done working with it for extended periods or get used sporadically.

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In conclusion, it’s a good idea to think about upgrading your laptop every 4 or 5 years. Similar to how cars need regular maintenance, every laptop requires checking in on how well it can perform and if any significant fixes might be needed.

However, this doesn’t mean that you need to upgrade, and some people will trade their laptops in earlier than they have to – which is why there’s a ton of refurbished models on the market that make a great laptop choice for students. MacBook’s tend to have a longer shelf life than most Windows-based machines out there, but ThinkPad’s and other models may also last for a while. Old laptops aren’t necessarily bad either.

So, make sure you’re ready to part with your older version before you buy because chances are if you do have anything wrong with it taking your time (and money!), getting it fixed could come cheaper for you than buying an entirely new machine. We discussed how often should you buy a new laptop.


Q1: Can my laptop last for 10 years?

Technically that is possible. Your laptop can last for almost 10 years if kept with great care but over time, for many apps and software, it’ll not be very useful. 

Q2: Can I get a laptop to use for 20+ years? 

Usually, the best estimated lifetime of a laptop is 3 to 6 years. With care, it can last for 10+ years but over time its performance will decrease.

Q3: Can I fix my 5-year-old laptop? Is it worth fixing?

If the machine is old, the cost of fixing it is 25% more than the cost of a new laptop. It is better to think of a new laptop. 

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