How To Check If Laptop Fan Is Working? Step By Step:

Laptop fans are an essential aspect of keeping your computer cool. They suck the warm air out of the laptop, cycle it through a heat exchanger, and then push it through a duct that directs the flow onto the motherboard or CPU, which is then cooled in turn. Your CPU is where all calculations are performed – if it overheats, it could mean damage to your CPU, which will cause problems for your work! Make sure you test your laptop fan regularly so you can head off any potentially costly issues.

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Those who don’t just use their computers for all those everyday tasks but also complete tasks including extreme gaming or watching HD videos! In this article, we will discuss why you must take good care of your fan and check if the laptop fan is working properly.

How to check if laptop fan is working properly:

A computer fan is an internal hardware to prevent overheating. If your laptop is working too hard, or if its electricity bill is higher than usual, it could be that the fan needs replacing. Fans within laptops offer a boost to both performance and battery life as they draw off excess heat generated during operation. But you don’t want excessive heat as it can damage various components such as diodes, ICs, and transistors, so keeping an eye on temperatures is essential. There are different ways of keeping yourself informed of your system’s temperature, including monitoring programs and apps that alert you if the core temperature reaches dangerous levels. There are also third-party applications that can control cooling systems remotely using Wi-Fi or even over the Internet.


A properly functioning laptop fan (like all properly working fans) sounds like a soft propeller running slowly; however, the fan may not be audible when you first turn the computer on because it is running speed is lower. The fan speeds up as you continue to use your laptop (about 5 minutes after turning it on). After five minutes it will move to faster, louder mode when your computer reaches its operating temperature. your fan may be broken if it creating (creates) irregular pulsating or loud screeching noises.

Air sensation:

An excellent way to check if a laptop fan is working or not is by a simple aural and olfactory test. By feeling the air from the fan outlet port, you can tell whether it’s working correctly. Put your ear up close to the vent and listen for a low whirring sound that will gradually become louder as you turn on your PC. You should also feel the air blowing out of the vents. If there’s no air coming out at all, most likely you have a problem with the internal cooling system – make sure you know how to fix these wobbly fans! Conversely, if your computer is making a pretty lot of noise and you feel steady airflow from the ventilation ports but a gust of cool air only now and then, that means there’s some dust stuck between some fans blades or some other foreign objects that probably needs to be removed quite urgently.

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Watch errors:

Computers can slow down and frequently restart without warning. Sudden shutdowns and crashes may occur if the system overheats. A running computer produces heat that needs to be dissipated; this is done by a cooling unit attached to the CPU. Cooling units come with fans powered by either a permanent or replaceable fuse installed on the motherboard. Fans produce airflow around the team, pushing out hot air and drawing in cool air through an open vent on the backside of your PC case. By periodically replacing worn-out fans and cleaning off accumulated dust on heatsinks, you can help prevent your system from crashing or getting too hot to handle.

Check temperature:

When a laptop is not working correctly, it can be because the computer has become too hot and caused problems with hardware and airflow. Hacking and sputtering noises would be a problem as well, but frequently the laptop will make these noises even if you were to pass your hand over the vent and rub heat off of it temporarily. If this happens to you, we recommend performing a hard reboot on the computer as it may temporarily fix the issue, but that’s never a guarantee. We also recommend checking the temperature to see if it’s reading 160 degrees Fahrenheit or more, as this would point out potential issues with your fan

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Step by Step guide “how to check if laptop fan is working properly”

Step by Step guide “how to check if laptop fan is working properly”

Fans are an essential part of your laptop. Let’s discuss step by step how to check if the laptop fan is working properly:

Step 1

Turn on your computer after this you can locate where is cooling fa is working.

Step 2

Place a paper piece in front of fan production; as a result, you can’t hear a fan voice but can see a piece of paper is being blown. After this, you can decide how to check if the laptop fan is working correctly.

Step 3

Download and run a test called Burnin test, speed test, and other software. All these programs are freely available.

After all this, you can check heat errors and other problems. With these results, you will find if your laptop fan is working correctly or not.

How to Check if Laptop Fan Is Working through Software?

There are plenty of free and paid software programs on the Internet designed to be sort of full-fledged acolytes to your gadgets. Now you have a complete check on your entire system by getting the full stats about each hardware component, how it serves its function, the system temperature, and so much more. The best part is that some of these programs also enable you to decide how each component should perform [manually] and automatically.

For Windows:

SpeedFan, HW Monitor, HWiNFO, Argus Monitor, Real Temp, Wise System Monitor, etc., are all tools for monitoring computer temperatures. They are available to Windows users.

There are a variety of different programs that will help you determine your system’s health and performance. SpeedFan and Real Temp are two of the most widely used applications that provide essential performance stats for your hardware. These essential apps can allow you to adjust temps or fan speeds as needed during specific tasks to make sure your machine is running smoothly. Additionally, these tools track the internal temperature of any individual components, so you can use this information later on if you notice a problem with them down the road. For example, an average CPU temp is approximately 100°F or 37°C, while a high temp might require a shut down as it rises very close to just being dangerous levels. So, if any component reaches those heights, it should be shut down before those temperatures begin causing severe damage.

For Mac users:

If you are a Mac user, you can download an app called iStat Menus, which informs you of your system’s overall health and performance. Additionally, if at any point your computer begins overheating, there’s an app that monitors that too. It might be helpful for longer trips away from home where one needs to have their laptop with them for work-related purposes.

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The fan in your laptop is one of the essential parts. Why? It keeps the machine cool, so it doesn’t overheat and burn out. The last thing you want to deal with is a machine that suddenly becomes unusable one day because it got too hot. You wouldn’t set your oven to 620 degrees, would you? So why allow your laptop to get that hot, either?

Take care of your machine like you would any delicate piece of hardware or electronic equipment—change the air filter once every couple of months, wipe down the vents now and then, make sure to keep the operating system and application/program updates up-to-date. But first, understand all the benefits you can have if you do nothing about it – there are quite a few about how to check if the laptop fan is working properly.


Q1: How I can check the fan status of my laptop?

You can use the following methods to see if your fans are spinning or not:

  • Open the case of the laptop
  • Go into BIOS
  • Use a third-party app to check the fan’s health

Q2: How I can check if my laptop fan is working properly or not?

The easiest way to see whether if your fan is working or not is to check the fan visually. Yes, this is one of the easiest methods to do so. Turn your laptop upside down, open the case and check if your fan is rotating or not. If the fan isn’t moving, replace it as early as possible.

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