How To Fix Black Spots On Laptop Screen? Easy & Complete Guide

Dead pixels can be incredibly inconvenient to deal with as they appear as dark spots on laptop screens. Each pixel on an LCD monitor is made up of three diodes one red, one blue, and one green. If a fault occurs with any of them or all three go bad, the screen will show a black dot in its place.

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 However, you can often reawaken a dead pixel by using recovery apps on your monitor. Recovery apps force your monitor’s pixels to change rapidly, hopefully repairing any faulty diodes inside. Alternatively, it’s possible to fix an unresponsive pixel with the aid of something fluffy like a feather or even just by massaging it with your finger. Let’s discuss how to fix black spots on laptop screen.

How To Fix Black Spots On Laptop Screen

Dribs and Dirt:

The very first reason that comes on board is the dirt or dribs in the screen. It may sound a little crazy, but sometimes the black spots on your laptop’s display are not due to a malfunction of the hardware inside it. But rather, they’re caused by a foreign object stuck between your screen and trackpad resulting from improper care or handling of your device. At times, you could be elbow-deep in cleaning out dirt from both your laptop and your keyboard, which can eventually grind down to dust and accumulate as dark specks. The bigger the dots, the more annoying they become because we’re able to see them even with our eyes just fine.

Dead pixel:

As we all know, LCDs are made up of thousands of tiny pixels which come together to form the final image on display. Usually, no two pixels are exactly alike – they can be brighter or darker than their counterparts, so there will never be two similar LCD panel displays in existence. However, one of the major flaws of using an LCD display is any dead pixel on the screen, which rests black forever and cannot be changed either by signal or manually. Dead pixels like this will only appear on the computer screen as small black areas that look like scrolling lines formed on the monitor itself.

Stuck pixel:

Look out for a common problem experienced by many laptops and monitor users. This is the issue of stuck pixels on your screen which you may sometimes see as a tiny dot that fails to change color or remains white after being lit up for a while. You will know that there is a stuck pixel on your equipment if it poses as a single colored dot on your computer screen compared to a usual gradient effect. This gradient effect is representative of the special resolution technology used in LCD screens. When this phenomenon occurs, some people remove it altogether. Still, the best thing to do is simply cover it with some tape that had been finely soldered around its edges so as prevent any physical contact with the stuck pixel itself.

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How to observe dark spots on screen?

To check a dark spot on the screen, let’s do a self-experiment:

Step 1

Turn off your screen.

Step 2

Press the key D simultaneously with the power button, which starts with BIST.

Step 3

You will see several blinking colors, fine lines, distortion, video problems on screen.

Step 4

After completing the test restart your laptop.

How to stop Ink from spreading on laptop screen?

  • Make a mixture with an alcohol bottle and distilled water pieces into a spray bottle.
  • Do not directly apply to a laptop screen; it can harm. Gently sprinkle solution on the screen.
  • Clean the screen with a damp cloth.
  • Do not apply pressure; it may harm the screen.

how to fix black spots on laptop screen?

Here are some steps related to how to fix black spots on laptop screen; follow these steps and solve this issue.

Step 1

Occasionally, pixels can get stuck on your monitor and create an anomaly such as a white/black/red/green, or blue pixel. If you have an LCD monitor, try lightly rubbing it off with your finger. Or you can use software such as JScreen fix, Pixel Fixer, and Dead Pixel Buddy to remove it.

Step 2

Clean your LCD computer screen with a soft cloth to keep it nice and shiny. Avoid using a paper towel as it can leave fibers behind on your screen. If you happen to have a stubborn stuck pixel, try not to apply too much pressure because puncturing or permanently damaging your screen is a real possibility! If you have found that cleaning the area around the stuck pixel doesn’t solve the problem, move to the next step.

Step 3

Go online to your favorite search engine and Google “screen fix” or “pixel fixer software.” Download the utility application that has the best reviews by its users. Then install it onto your computer. If you prefer to use an online service, go to and click on “Launch Now!” The website will cycle all of the pixels on your computer screen on and off, rapidly changing the color back and forth 60 times per second.

Step 4

Fix the Locate problem. Once you select “Locate,” your screen will turn black. Simply move your window around to identify the area where the pixels are stuck so they can be fixed correctly. Then click the “Fix” button to start a process that fixes stuck pixels on your LCD computer screen.

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If your computer screen has one or two dead pixels that cannot be revived, the single or double pixel may be faulty. Run to computer screens software again and let it run for several hours to see if this helps resolve the issue with your broken pixels. If you find yourself with four or more dead pixels, make sure to contact the manufacturer of your LCD computer screen because there could be a quality problem affecting other consumers as well. It’s worth noting that computer screens are made up of thousands of pixels. So, it’s important to purchase an LCD computer screen that has positive reviews from existing users.


To fix a black spot on your computer screen is not always a difficult task. With the right amount of pressure and appropriate detection of the problem, you can reach relative certainty regarding any given solution. However, you may need to invest incorrectly trained professionals at times because other factors might make repairing your screen very tricky.

If you are concerned about why will my computer screen not turn on or off, it usually means one of two things: either the issue is due to a severe tear in the underlying hardware’s circuitry, or there are minor issues with your LCD’s backlight. 

Despite these issues that will cause the screen not to work completely or light up accordingly, if your computer is simply refusing to show anything but its vague presence, you should familiarize yourself with methods that inflict the least amount of damage on your system’s components. In case we describe all about related to how to fix black spots on laptop screen.

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