What Is Ghosting On A Monitor And How To Fix It?

Display Screen the Monitor performance and its quality does affect professionals and matter of life and death during Games. You have a mission to accomplish, taking the control of your game and moving Fast and Furious meanwhile the screen has a display problem. Image is not properly displayed and you are figuring what actually happening, which affects your vision due to stress on the eyes (DES).

The trail following the movement and the images with unwanted traces is Monitor Ghosting that is an irritating and frustrating hurdle in focus and concentration.

Monitor Ghosting some time considered as dead pixels that are not the case, an issue that can be fixed, and here you will find the

  • Monitor Ghosting Causes
  • Remedies, by understanding what cause the monitor ghosting and how you can fix that.

Before pondering in detail, let’s first understand the Monitor Ghosting.

  • Monitor Ghosting

A Trail, line of pixels following is Monitor Ghosting,  with the movement on screen the ghost behind following and resulting in a poor quality image. It is a type of Artefact that mostly appears during fast movement on-screen, scenes with fast movements like FPS games.

 Monitor Ghosting appears like Motion Blur, a blurry trail, and an important thing to note is it is not permanent as happened with the burn-in effect. Monitor Ghosting can affect LED /LCD and mostly with panels having slow response time, image is refreshed the physical pixels are not updated and making the images stacked or look like they are on top of one another.

Ghosting, Image Retention and Burn in Difference:

Monitor Ghosting is temporary and the main cause is due to High Response time and Low Refresh Rate, it appears as pixels trail following the moving objects.

While Image Retention & Burn-In is the imprint of the image on the screen even the original image disappears.

Image RetentionBurn-In EffectMotion BlurInverse Ghosting Or The Corona Artifact
A faded image is permanently shown on the monitor.Same as image retention.      Shown as image smearing both on trailing and leading edges.Similar to Ghosting. Trailing object edges are followed by bright coronas instead of “ghost” trails.
Not permanent. Turning off the monitor for a few minutes. LCD monitors & TVs face Image RetentionPermanent. Avoid leaving the display on with static images showing for a long time.          OLED displays.  Not with any specific display. Higher Refresh Rate Monitor will show lower Motion Blur.  Caused by setting the overdrive option to the maximum level. Overdrive Functions  Settings.

Before reaching a conclusion, try the monitor ghosting tests. Software’s available online providing feedback and report most common is the UFO test.

read more. How To Check Laptop Screen Size?

  • Reasons /Causes of Monitor Ghosting

There are two factors that mainly cause the Ghosting of Monitors

  1. Screen Refresh Rate: Number of Times the display of a Monitor refreshes its Screen per second. Measured in Hertz
  • Response Time: Pixel color changing time , Time to produce image on screen sent by CPU & GPU. Measured in milli seconds (ms)

Ghosting will be the result of a Low Refresh Rate and High Response Time, slow display on the screen.

  • Images produced by the CPU & GPU are sent to Display that refreshes its screen to display a new updated image.
  • The Data Processed and converted in the form of Pixles
  •  Pixels combined to display the image on screen
  • The High Response time & Low Refresh Rate will cause the delay in new image update.
  • Delay will show parts of the previous image Frame with new updated image ,

Higher Refresh Rate displays will update images faster and with Lower, Response Time Monitor will take less time to update a new image on screen fixing the Monitor Ghosting issue.

Other Reasons are:

  • Damaged Monitor Cable, Coiled / Tangled Cables , Bad Shielded Monitor Cable increase the Response Time.
  • Cables of other devices connected with Monitor or Laptop/PC can be damaged.

Frayed HDMI, Display Port, and USB cables can lead to overheating, lower monitor Refresh Rate.

  • Software Settings of the Display
  • Higher Refresh Rate by over clocking Monitor.
  • LCD Screens mostly have BackLight bleed causing Ghosting
  • LCD monitor ghosting caused by static or burned in image, by turning off monitoring can solve this issue.

Remedies/Solutions to fix Monitor Ghosting

Before starting the software and settings Remedies check the physical Solutions First:

  1. Cables: Change the cables; plug in other monitor cable, Physical Inspection of attached cables.
  2. Proximity Issue: Remove the devices near your monitor, includes printers, modems, routers or any other wireless device. It can be proximity issue and clearing the space stabilizes the Refresh Rate.

The Monitor ghosting can be fixed with the following remedies and start with the

  • Over Drive/Response time Functions : Enable/Turn ON
  • Visual Effects : in case of Over Drive Function/Response Time settings is not your remedy , turn off the Monitor Visual Effects these are Perfect Clear, Dynamic Contrast , Motion smoothing , Noise Reduction.
  • Frames / Second Rate: It’s for the Monitor Ghosting in Games; adjust the Frames per Second Rate less than your monitor Refresh Rate.
  • Update Related Software’s /Drivers: Update Drivers, Graphic Card Drivers as well and check that Graphic card is compatible, if drivers are updated check change log of the driver update notes if ghosting issues stated there.  

Overdrive Functions of some Known Brands:

AcerBenQ.  ASUSLGSamsung
Overdrive. (OD)   Advanced Motion Acceleration (AMA)  Trace Free.  Response TimeResponse Time

     Overdrive Function Enabled ——- Change the levels

Steps to Follow:

  1. Monitor Menu  “On-Screen Display”
  2. Search with related feature name (OD/AMA/Trace free/RT) according to the brand as mentioned above
  3. Set the levels options according to the refresh rate of your monitor.
  4. Play around with OD options where ghosting is controlled and effect is minimum.
  5. OD/AMA can be accessed from “Picture Settings” of Monitor, turn it to medium or low. Check by changing to ON and OFF (Enable and change to disable as well).

For Gaming Monitors

·         AMD Free Sync or NVIDA-GSYNC OverDrive Turned ON, if required adjust Manually and check the effect on Monitor Ghosting.

Monitor Settings:

         Check Monitor Panel for the following Settings and turn them off, they can also cause Monitor Ghosting. The purpose of these settings is to enhance the image, increasing the response time.

  • Perfect Clear
  • Dynamic Contrast
  • Motion Smoothing
  • Noise Reduction
  • Ultra Low Motion Blur- ULMB (Nvidia Control Panel)
  • Nvidia G-Sync or AMD FreeSync( change the settings to Enable/Disable)
  • G-Sync  and ULMB can’t be used side by side ,if using G-sync in the monitor then you cannot use ULMB.

Do check your monitor settings booklet before making any changes. Brands and manufacturers provide the setting manual online as well, do consult manual and assure the correct settings or set to default settings.

Other than the above-stated Solutions one to handle is Overclocking of the monitor, which is done for a higher refresh rate and decreases the Response time providing a remedy for ghosting. However, Improper Overclocking can damage the display resulting in a black screen or display may not turn ON.

Monitor video port can be the cause, if the issue is with Video Port, avail the warranty and send to service center. Repair the fault by consulting professional advice and visit repair store for that.

Selection of Monitor:

For the Ghosting issue to avoid wisely selecting the monitor at the time of purchase,  and if you are using an older monitor that is not compatible with your professional needs and console games it is time to invest in the monitor.

And to replace your monitor can find a list of available brands offering a refresh rate of 120 to 144 Hz, at least select 75Hz for console gaming and it will be better for your eyes.

The second feature in specification to consider will be Response time 1ms – 2 ms and maximum 5ms better to have Low response time some tech recommend 3 ms.

Input Delay – less than 1 ms

Monitor Display as per your need, available in TN, VA, and IPS Monitors.



 When it comes to spending on Technology and especially computers, Tech devices we select the best processor how fast it will work, and check the response time with the best features. So with the case of Monitors select the best monitor device for display to avoid Artifact on screen.

Monitor Ghosting is not a permanent issue and can be fixed. The image trail will be disturbing while using the PC and you can resolve issues with settings, check the specs for higher refresh rate, and set to higher Refresh Rate and Response Rate less than 5ms for games.


In case the Monitor Ghosting is not solved with Software fix and Monitor settings, check the cables & Devices attached.


Nothing Fix the Monitor Ghosting, time to have a new display, select the monitor with specs to answer your need with High Screen Refresh Rate, Low Response Time, and Low input delay.

Professionals in the field of Graphics and Gaming Experts opt to select IPS Monitor Display for higher quality image and better view.   


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